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Project No. 23151
Notice: 12/SI/2016
Support under the incentive system
Operating Program:PO CI
Thematic Objective:TO 1 - Reinforce research, technological development and innovation
Investment Priority:PI 1.2 - Promoting business investment in innovation
Intervention Typology:TI 49 - Business investment in non-SMEI innovation
Amounts involved / infographics for demonstration of execution or other relevant variable
Investment- €14,368,470.04
Eligible- €14,317,524.38
Reimbursable ERDF incentive - €6,413,206.01
FSE Incentive non-refundable - €32,977.74
Start date- 2017.05.01
End Date- 2019.04.30
Project location
Factory Facilities in Sinde - Tábua
Project summary
Innovation Activities
Introduction of innovative products and increased production capacity
Type of innovation activity
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