Career Management and Development
Currently being expanded, Grupo Aquinos is looking for new and diverse career opportunities for our professionals. It is imperative to create challenging goals and objectives, which are evaluated throughout the year, showing exactly the impact each one's work has on the well-being of the organization. In a transversal way, competences such as communication, proactivity, team work, time management, and others are evaluated. In this way, it is possible to draw career and evolution plans, betting on positive feedback and improvement of low performance. The evaluation of the employees is carried out using customized tools and adapted to the organizational context, such as the 180º evaluations for direct managers.
All employees have the autonomy and the freedom to, in dialogue, expose their expectations of growth and career. In addition, according to the intended functions and in order to respond to the needs, we promote through the internal recruitment the possibility of evolution and/ or career advancement to our professionals.
This is how we can communicate in open dialogue, value our employees and identify opportunities for improvement and training in their professional career.