Sleep and Wellness
Sleep is a restorative and fundamental physiological function for thephysical and mental well being.
The number of hours needed for restful sleep varies between individuals, and as people age, they usually need less sleep.
Most people need sleepabout 8am per rest period.
There is a large number of diseases and sleep problems, which can be grouped into2 main categories:
Sleep Quality or Quantity Changes
• Hypersomnia (sleeping too much)
• Alteration of the Sleep-Wake Cycle (sleep during the period when you should be awake and vice versa
Behavioral Changes During Sleep
•Sleep apnea
• Night terrors and Nightmares
• Restless legs
•Sleep paralysis
Most Sleep Problems Can Be Solved With Good Sleep Hygiene
Sleep Hygiene are small attitudes:
Don't eat too much before going to sleep
Do not read or watch TV before bedtime
Do not consume coffee or other stimulating drinks about 4 hours before going to sleep
Avoid exercising close to bedtime
Only use the bed and bedroom to sleep and have sexual activity
(do not watch TV or read in the bedroom)
Try to always go to bed at the same time
•Night shift workers should avoid contact with sunlight
•Intense light inhibits sleep onset
•Protect yourself by wearing sunglasses between work and home
Avoid self-medication, pseek clinical help.
Going to sleep doesn't have to be a nightmare!
Contact the Department of Health and Safety at Aquinos Group Trabalho